Executive | Screenwriter | Speaker
has carved his career based on listening to others’ wisdom and combining it with decisive action.
Sean early on, after serving in the U. S. Army during Desert Shield/Desert Storm, toured the same stages as legends Public Enemy, Tupac, George Clinton and the Pfunk Allstars as a recording artist. This contributed to a global perspective which he transitioned into business success. From scratch he earned his membership in the multi-million dollar sales club to eventually become a chief executive.
Over two and a half decades Sean has consulted to organizations in travel, telecommunications, finance, software, non-profit, executive placement and entertainment. He has now focused his acumen on screenwriting and tv/film production.
M. Sean speaks at many events yearly, such as South by Southwest (SXSW), the Global Entertainment & Business Summit and the International Supply Management Conference (ISM) regarding business management, leadership, entertainment, sales
and personal development.
“It’s not all about me”.
This is supposed to be an advertisement.
I guess it is in a way. Once you read it you decide.
I have had the honor of serving this great country in the military, having a couple successful careers, and now embarking as a screenwriter. The ultimate joy of having children and the love of a great spouse. I, like many others, have also suffered the loss of loved ones including my oldest son in the past year.
We have all had to deal with an historic pandemic on top of all of life’s challenges. We have seen some of the darkest of our traits exhibited. Our neighbors, friends and even loved ones spewing things we could never imagined coming from their mouths.
We have also seen random acts of kindness, connection amongst strangers and consistent acts of true heroism. The best our human nature can ever display.
Going through many current unsolved dilemmas as a new year brings new challenges with it. Challenges are certain to come through what is undetermined is our collective response. I have a simple suggestion.
Once a day we all say to ourselves “It’s not ALL about me!”
Of course, our programming has us focused on our own needs first and foremost. This I’ve read was ultimately put in place for survival. Don’t think anyone has had to outrun a Tyrannosaurus Rex in a while though.
In a civilized society much of those needs that our ancestors fought for are at our fingertips. Amazon and Uber anyone?
So that leaves us lots of time to spend with each other for better or worse. The resource that seems to be of scarcity these days is compassion.
So, I call on all to think about that the next time someone disagrees with us. Says something we feel is ignorant, lacking in understanding or just plain stupid.
When we feel the urge to criticize, belittle or withhold and not share. Just say it.
I know the best of humankind is still very much intact. You do too. We have seen it on display continually since the pandemic has struck.
To all the first responders- police officers, fire fighters, paramedics, military, doctors, and nurses I say: THANK YOU!
To all those who work to keep our lives moving forward- teachers, sanitation workers, utility workers, restaurant workers, delivery drivers and grocery/retail workers I say: THANK YOU!
To all those who have suffered during this time and their family, friends, and neighbors I say: YOU ARE NOT ALONE!
This is a call to action like any good advertisement has with one exception.
I’m not selling anything, nor do I want anything from you.
I just ask you pass this message on.
We all can elevate each other.
Just remember IT’S NOT ALL ABOUT ME!
Many blessings to you and yours in the coming year.
Sincerely yours,